Frequently Asked Questions

Where was Ian Cole Born?

Ian Cole was born in Ann Arbor Michigan in 1989.

What position does Ian Cole play?

Ian Cole plays defense.

Where did Ian Cole go to college?

Ian Cole attended Notre Dame University from 2007-2010.

Did Ian Cole ever win a Stanley Cup?

Yes! Ian Cole won back-to-back Stanley Cups with the Pittsburgh Penguins in 2016 and 2017.

How tall is Ian Cole?

Ian Cole is 6’1 (185 cm).

Did Ian Cole ever play internationally?

Yes, in 2007 Ian Cole represented the United Stated at the World Junior Championships in Sweden.

Has Ian Cole ever scored in the post-season?

Ian Cole scored during the 2015-16 post-season with the Penguins, had a game-winning goal in OT of the 2021-22 playoffs with the Hurricanes, and added a goal for the Lightning in 2022-23.